National Trails Day®: Give Back To The Trails That Give So Much To You

Celebrate #NationalTrailsDay With Us! 

How many times have you found peace on a hiking trail? 

How often do you take to the trail to clear your mind? And how often do you step off the trail feeling better than you did when you started your hike?

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.”

-  Henry David Thoreau 


If you’ve ever felt like the trail helped you heal, you’re not alone.

For centuries, great minds like Thoreau, George Washington Carver, Charles Darwin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Muir, and many more have advocated for Mother Nature’s healing power. 

The trails gives so much to us. Now it’s time for us to give back to the trails. 

Start now by taking National Trails Day® Pledge with us! 

American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day® takes place on the first Saturday in June each year. This year, National Trails Day® 2021 falls on Saturday, June 5th. 

This annual holiday is an opportunity for hikers and nature lovers to show our appreciation for all the paths that bring us peace and joy. 

According to the American Hiking Society, you can take the #NationalTrailsDay Pledge by doing some 5 easy actions:

  1. Speak Up & #VotePublicLands
  2. #RecreateResponsibly 
  3. Leave a Trail Better Than You Found It
  4. Commit to a Trail Work Project in 2021
  5. Give a Gift

The 52 Hike Challenge Pledge To Leave The Trails Better We Found Them

Here at the 52 Hike Challenge, giving back to the trails has always been a big part of our mission, and keeping the trails clean is very important to us. In fact, we promote trail stewardship and maintenance in two of our six challenges. 

  • The 52 Hike Challenge Adventure Series challenges you to adventure to waterfalls, forests, national parks, and more. But perhaps the most impactful part of this challenge is that it asks you to take one stewardship hike. During this hike, you can pick up trash, participate in a restoration project, and more. Sometimes helping Mother Nature is the greatest adventure of all.
Giving Nature a Hug
  • The 52 Hike Challenge Kid’s Series presents unique challenges and learning opportunities for our youth. Not only will kids learn about the great outdoors, but they’ll also learn how to preserve it. For example, one of the activities teaches kids about the 7 Leave No Trace (LNT) Principles. Another encourages kids to volunteer on the trail with an outdoor non-profit organization.

Credits to @colorado_wild_child 

How You Can Give Back To The Trails

We encourage you to hit the trail and do more than hike. Leave the trail better than you found it by cleaning up along the way.

It may not seem like much when you start, but you’ll soon realize the litter adds up, and your impact will help keep the trails healthy!

Tips for Your Clean-Up Hike:

  • Only go when it’s safe to do so
  • Bring a trash bag to collect litter
  • Stay safe by wearing gloves or using a trash picker tool
  • Dispose of waste properly - you'd be surprised how much you can recycle!
  • Sanitize after you're done: wash your hands and wipe down your gear

Congrats! Now you're ready to take the pledge.

Click here to Take the #NationalTrailsDay Pledge Now

    We look forward to celebrating the trails with you!

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