1. Grab your 52 Hike Challenge Journey Journal or your smartphone and start writing down your thoughts. The first journal entry (hikes 1-8) should be about where you want to go/ what you want to accomplish with the challenge.
2. The middle journal entry (hikes 15-30) will be about your progress to date, how much you appreciate the ability to get outdoors and see the beauty in nature, etc. Hopefully, you are excited about the future adventures you will go on now that you have adopted an active lifestyle.
3. Journal entry towards the end - reflect on how far you have progressed in the challenge and what you want to do next in life. It is important that this be closer to when you are finishing (hikes 42-47), recognizing you can accomplish anything you want in life. It is important to do this before finishing the challenge, while you are enthusiastic about the next step because it's too easy (and common) to get lazy after accomplishing a big goal - use the momentum here to plan your next journey. :) The 52 Hike Challenge should have taught you that things will get in the way, and it's up to you to persevere... and by making time for something that is important, even if it's one week at a time, you can accomplish goals you never thought possible. Remind yourself of all the amazing experiences you had, and how a life of adventure was just waiting for you once you took the first step towards a life changing journey. So, enjoy the journey, and go on a mission to create stories you can tell your grandchildren. ;) Recognize anything is possible!