Are your hiking snacks working for you or against you?
If you hit the trails with the wrong food, you might end up feeling lethargic with low energy. You might even encounter stomach pain, nausea or indigestion.
Don't let this be you. Eat right on your next hike. With the right trail food, you’ll get the nutrients you need to power forward and go the extra mile.
Fueling up on the trails can help you…
- Increase endurance
- Stay energized and alert
- Avoid exhaustion and dizziness
- Reach your hiking goals safely
And much more.
In this article, you will learn how to find the right trail food for you and your adventures.
After all, you don’t just want trail food - you want trail fuel.
Get ready to find out which nutrients you need on the trails, what to look for on nutrition labels, and why we love Rowdy Bars, the best prebiotic protein bar out there.
First let’s talk about the key features that make up a quality trail treat.
Your Trail Food Should Be…
Now that you know what makes a good hiking snack, let’s talk about what to look for on the labels of your trail food.
What To Look For In Your Trail Food
When you choose healthy hiking foods, you’re more likely to feel amazing before, during and after your hikes.
Are you ready to hear about the food we found that combines ALL of these features into one delicious energy bar?
Read on to learn about Rowdy Bars, our new all-time favorite prebiotic protein bar for hiking, backpacking, camping and so much more.
Fuel Up For Your Next Hike With Rowdy Bars
Rowdy Bars is our new favorite trail food - and with good reason! This protein-packed bar provides enough trailside nutrition to keep you hiking for miles.
We love Rowdy Bars because:
- They have all natural ingredients
- They’re low glycemic and gluten free
- They’re packed with vitamins and nutrients
- They contain healthy prebiotics
- They actually taste good
These well-balanced bars are the perfect companion for a day hike or a backcountry adventure. You’ll love the variety of flavors. And did we mention they actually taste amazing?
Don’t just take our word for it. Try Rowdy Bars for free!
Click here to pick your 2 FREE Rowdy Bars to bring on your next hike. Just enter “ROWDY-FREE” at checkout and you’ll only need to pay $2 for shipping.
If you love Rowdy Bars, let us know in the comments!