Here's a great way to get double credit for both your 52 Hike Challenge hikes and the Oboz Trails for Trees Challenge!
Unleash your inner trailblazer and hike as many trails as you can in the entire month of April. Hike, plant trees and gain chances to win prizes from Oboz and partner companies.
Oboz has been planting trees since its beginning in 2007 and has planted just over 5 million trees to date. Oboz is on a mission to plant 5 million more trees and with each of your hikes planting one more tree, we’ll be on our way in no time.
Participating is a Few Clicks Away and Registration is Free

In addition, there will be surprise podcast guests in attendance, raffle contest + giveaways, modern camper outdoor showroom, guest DJ’s, and light refreshments.

Join 52 Hike Challenge Pennsylvania Chapter for an easy 1 mile hike at the beautiful Hills Creek State Park.
Hills Creek State Park
111 Spill Way Road
Wellsboro, PA 16901

Join the Minnesota Chapter on an approximately 2.5 miles hike with 141 feet of elevation gain. Hike is rated moderate due to some incline and stairs.
45.02807, -9266741
Hudson, WI 54016

Let's conquer the Green Lake Trail at Mount Rainier together as part of the 52 Hike Challenge - Washington! Tucked inside the rolling Cascades, you will be rewarded with a view of towering Mt Rainier in the distance. A 9-mile out and back that has 1,466 ft of eg and is considered a moderate hike.

Use Code: HIKE52 for 15% off your admission.
Anaheim Convention Center800 W Katella

U.S. 276

7675 Nahahum Canyon Road

Join the #WeHiketoHeal Challenge, it's a transformative 4-week experience designed to deepen your connection with yourself and your community through mindful practices in nature.
Each week beginning, May 1st, participants will receive:
• Mindful challenges to complete daily
• Journaling prompts
• Guided meditations
• Other fun and useful resources
In addition to the virtual community connection, you'll also have the chance to join #wehiketoheal group hikes led by their Ambassadors and Community Partners across the country. It's all about women supporting and empowering each other, fostering mindfulness in everyday life, and building meaningful connections.

Join the Pennsylvania chapter as we hike the Adams Falls, Iscrupe and Flat Rock Trails. The total trail length is 3.5 miles. Some area may be rocky or slippery so please wear appropraite hiking shoes and bring trekking poles.

Join the South Carolina Chapter on a hike to Lake Greenwood State Park. This is a great opportunity to get another stamp in your passport book.

Join the Indiana Chapter on a fun moderate 3 mile hike. It starts at the 3 Falls Trail head, we will hike 3 falls and part of the Blue trail. There are a couple creek crossings and some steep inclines/declines, but it is so fun!

Join the North Carolina Chapter on a meaningful 5K mile hike on the Lake James State Park Mill's Creek Trail. The hike commemorates the 10 years since US Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer Jason Crisp and his K9 "Maros" were slain while tracking a wanted fugitive in Burke County, NC.

Join us on a pleasant hike that is easy/beginner level. Approximately 2.7 miles with 59 feet of elevation gain.



Come hike the eastern trails of Starved Rock State Park with 52 Hike Challenge - Illinois Chapter. Not only is this one of the most hiker-friendly hikes within the confines of SRSP, but your host claims that it offers the best "bang-for-the-buck," a lot of beauty in just 3 miles.

Join us for a gorgeous 3 mile loop hike in Forbes State Forest Laurel Mountain division!
Laurel Summit Rd

Let's celebrate National Trails Day with a 2.3 mile loop in Congaree National Park. Congaree is 1 of 10 national parks on the East Coast.

Join the 52 Hike Challenge North Carolina Chapter on a 2.6 mile hike on the William Umstead State Park Sal's Branch Trail. The hike is in recognition of National Trails Day!

Join the MN Chapter for approximately 2.9 mile hike with 531 feet of elevation gain. This trail has an incline/hill and is rated moderate.

Join the CO Chapter for a beautiful 5.1 mile loop in Evergreen, CO. This hike has an elevation gain of 636 ft. We will hike through a mix of forest and meadow with colorful wildflowers. You may bring your dog, but must be on a leash.

Join the Washington Chapter for a 7.8 miles hike to view a stunning waterfall and beautiful blue lake. Elevation gain is approximately 2,736 ft. Limited to 10 people.

On June 6th & 7th come learn directly from badass outdoor & travel experts who will be teaching you all about feeling confident in going on solo-adventures and making decisions to go solo from a place of empowerment and NOT fear. Karla from 52 Hike Challenge will be presenting on “How Creating a Weekly Day Hiking Goal will Get You Closer to Backpacking.”
Get your FREE Ticket NOW! ⬇️

Join the Indiana Chapter at the Ouabache State Park Loop (#5 on the map). This Easy/moderate rated 5.3 mile hike takes you around the park and by the Bison area. We will hike and have snacks/picnic by the water after for all that are interested!