REI Announces 2017 Outessa Series: Outdoors Weekends For Women

REI announced their new Outessa series, Super fun outdoor weekends designed for women!

At the events you can find your tribe, do what you love, and try something new in some of the country’s most beautiful outdoor playgrounds! During their three-day retreats, you can choose from hundreds of activities, from rock climbing and mountain biking to yoga and hiking. All gear for activities, instruction, and chef-prepared meals are included. REI is hosting three event this year:

  •         Kirkwood, CA: July 14-16
  •         Mt Hood Skibowl, OR: August 18-20
  •         Waterville Valley, NH: September 22-24

Last year, I, Karla, spoke and participated at these events and they we're really fun, educational and I made some wonderful friends! Personally, I highly recommend you give it a shot, because you get to participate in as many classes as you wish. I personally really enjoyed the navigation and the morning meditation classes! You get goodies like socks and swag, and not to mention the yummy food! Speakers included Chris Burkard, and Kristine Carlson. By the way, did I mention there was glamping?  

The good news is we got you the hookup! Use the following discount codes when signing up at and get the best rates today: 

  •         REI Outessa Kirkwood, discount code: KirkwoodFriends&Family
  •         REI Outessa Mt Hood, discount code: MtHoodFriends&Family
  •         REI Outessa Waterville Valley, discount code: WValleyFriends&Family

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