"On Oct. 1, 2017 I was at the Route 91 concert in Las Vegas where the deadliest mass shooting took place. I had to run for my life and I saw and felt things no one should ever have to experience.
After that I went through some very serious mental issues ranging from PTSD and anxiety. I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time and I was completely miserable.
I knew I had to take my life back and become the best version of myself because you only get to live this life once and you never know when it will be taken from you.
I changed my eating habits and started hiking.
I started to lose some weight which was a huge motivator. By Oct. 2018 I had lost 85 lbs!!! I was feeling great moving forward with my life trying hard to put that horrible experience behind me.

In Dec. 2018 I stumbled across the 52 hike challenge on social media and decided that I was going to start my challenge on Jan. 1, 2019 and make this year my best yet!
Through this challenge not only have I been able to maintain my weight loss I also have gain confidence and self love.

I will never forget this journey to a better me, but I look forward to being the best I can be!!!" - Lindsay Everhart
Favorite Hikes:
Lawson Peak Trail and Kwaay Paay
What helped you stay motivated to finish the challenge?
I did most of my hiking solo. It was my "me time" and giving myself that time to focus on my thoughts and enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us is what kept me motivated.
Groups Joined:
Hiker Babes San Diego
Congratulations Lindsey on your accomplishments, we are happy to have you hiking with us!
I thank you for sharing your experience and the reasoning behind it and for showing me this site. Maybe we can hike together one day! I go to San Diego for conferences and usually have a day for leisure time and I’m up in Fresno, right smack in the middle with all the good stuff being not too far away.